Thursday 30 July 2009

Wednesday 29 July 2009

The Law of Attraction and ME.

It is easy: the better it gets the better it gets!

Last year I was driving myself slowly but steadily into the ditch.
Then I found Abraham and the Law of Attraction and my life turned around.
What they say: don't paddle upstream, turn your boat around and paddle downstream. Or just let go of the oars and the current will carry you.

Nothing what you ever want is upstream. It doesn't matter how many people told you so.

First I didn't understand.
I wanted to do it right.
And I wanted other people to come with me.
I listened to Abraham, thought it a good idea but was a bit lost on how to do it.
Eventually I got a little glimpse of it and it became easier. And a bit easier and easier.

Maybe it could be of some advantage for others so I write what I understood so far:

Do not "want to do it right". Just do it. You can begin again, every day, every hour, any minute.
You can't make it work for others. Be selfish and work for your own well-being.
The people you care for might follow when they are ready.
Care for how you feel. When you notice - and you will more and more - that you are on the wrong way: let go and do something -anything- that makes you feel better.
Take notice of the little changes. They will lead you to bigger achievements.

Life IS supposed to be fun!

Find more about Abraham:

Sunday 19 July 2009

Wednesday 8 July 2009